Data Centres

Data Centres

Data has become a priceless resource in today's digital world, and the demand for data centres has increased as businesses depend more and more on data-driven operations. Given this situation, India has also seen enormous growth in the data centre sector as a result of its transformation into a growing hub for technology.

According to the Ericsson Mobility Report (June 2023), Indians will consume the most data globally by 2028 with 62GB per user each month, surpassing developed countries like the United States, South Korea, Chima, and parts of Western Europe.

However, this quick expansion also raises some legal issues that need to be handled. So when it comes to data centres in India, data protection and privacy are major issues. As a result, the Information Technology (IT) Act of 2000 and the Personal Data Protection Bill of 2019 govern how personal data is collected, kept, processed, and transferred within the nation.

Benefit of this Service

Data centres play a significant part in guaranteeing data accessibility, security, and availability in India, but they also encounter a lot of legal issues connected to cybersecurity, data protection, and the privacy of individuals and their personal information. To reduce potential legal concerns, our team at Anill Mehta and Partners will particularly advise you on how to follow the appropriate laws and regulations.

  • Data Privacy
  • Data Localization Requirements
  • Cybersecurity Laws
  • Government Surveillance
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Cross-border Data Transfers
  • Data Retention Laws
  • Liability and Contractual Issues
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Compliance with Industry Standards

Anill Mehta and Partners will assist data centres in staying current and adapting their operations to preserve legal compliance and the confidence of their clients and stakeholders in the face of a legal landscape that is fast-changing and with rising demand for data-driven technologies.

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